Derelict Planes – Grenada

These two abandoned planes are Soviet Antonov planes that were given to Cuba during the period 1979 – 1983, when Cuba had a strong presence on the Caribbean island of Grenada. They are parked on what was once Grenada’s Pearls Airport, the islands first airstrip, which was abandoned along with the planes when the U.S. invaded the island in 1983.

Pearls airport was subsequently replaced by Maurice Bishop International Airport in 1984, but the abandoned planes remained grounded and rusting away in the field of the old airport. The building of the new airport with its extra long runway was the catalyst for the U.S. invasion during Ronald Reagans time in office. It was thought that the new runway would be used by the U.S.S.R and Cuba to fly in weapons that could be used against American citizens.

I took this photo during a visit to Grenada in 2010, nearly twelve years ago now. Amazing how time flies, unlike these two derelict planes!

3 thoughts on “Derelict Planes – Grenada

  1. A snappy ending.
    I remember seeing another photo of yours featuring an old plane. Are aircraft of particular interest to you?
    Are these two often photographed by tourists? I wonder what purpose they serve. Also, they look like they’re in the middle of nowhere and not at a working airport.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No, aircraft are of no interest to me whatsoever, but I keep spotting photo opportunities where they get in my photo! Only old or derelict planes though, modern aircraft never appear in my viewfinder.
      I guess these two planes must be photographed regularly by tourists, but they are in the middle of nowhere… I came across them by accident. I have no intention of photographing any more planes though (unless they’re interesting planes)!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Really interesting photo, Stuart. Mysterious with stories to be told.

    Liked by 2 people

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